This juice pack is for the individual who is not new to juicing and may desire a mix between a cleanse and a detox depending on your eating and lifestyle patterns.
Frequency: 4x a day. 5 Days. 20 juices (Up to 5 Flavors).
Benefits: This is perfect for times of practicing a fast or elimination diet, detoxing, or looking for meal replacements.
Recommended Juice Flavor Options: Cleanse, Hangover, Hydrate, Green Juice #3, Fiber, Green Juice #1, Green Juice #2, Digestive System #1, Digestive System #2, Pineapple Juice, Apple Juice, Celery Juice. See Menu Tab for Additional Options & Ingredients.
Flavor Profile of Juices: Provides a nice range from sweet to savory.
iAm a Variety Pack (5 Day)
Price Options
One-time purchase
iAm a Variety Pack
A Juice Pack for meal replacements or a juice lover.
$240.00every week until canceled
Consume within 5-7 Days of Purchase.